Notice for Employers in California: Updates to the State’s “Time of Hire” Pamphlet

As explained by the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employers are required to distribute specific pamphlets to new hires that detail various employee rights and benefits. There are six required notices:
- Unemployment Insurance
- Workers’ Compensation Rights and Benefits
- Paid Family Leave
- Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
- Sexual Harassment
- State Disability Insurance
In 2024, the government made changes to two of these notices: A) Unemployment Insurance, and B) Workers’ Compensation. Here, our Coachella Valley and Riverside County employment lawyer provides an overview of the recent changes to California state regulations.
What to Know About Changes to Unemployment Insurance Employer Notices (2024)
California employers need to be aware of important updates regarding unemployment insurance (UI) notices. As of 2024, California has changed what notices employers are required to give newly hired employees. Employers in Coachella Valley, Riverside County, and elsewhere in the state should ensure their UI notices provided to new workers include accurate information about:
- The California UI benefits program;
- Eligibility and ineligibility for unemployment benefits;
- The details for how to apply for UI benefits; and
- Specific UI information for workers who have left the company.
California policy is clear that these pamphlets are crucial for informing employees about their rights to unemployment benefits and the procedures to claim them. Employers must ensure they provide the most current information—adhering to the most recent state guidelines. If you have any questions about the updates to the unemployment insurance notice, an attorney can help.
What to Know About Changes to Workers’ Compensation Employer Notices (2024)
For workers’ compensation in 2024, California employers must update their notices to align with the latest legislative requirements. The Workers’ Compensation Rights and Benefits pamphlets are subject to mandatory updates, and employers must distribute these pamphlets to all new hires.
These pamphlets serve as a resource for employees detailing their rights, benefits, and the process for claiming workers’ compensation in case of work-related injuries or illnesses. Employers can maintain compliance with state regulations by ensuring employees receive the most up-to-date information.
An Attorney Can Help You Put the Right System in Place
All employers in California should have the system in place to comply with our state’s comprehensive labor and employment regulations—including time to hire notice requirements. Companies and organizations must update the notices for unemployment insurance and workers’ compensation with the 2024 changes. For further details and to stay updated on any additional changes, employers are encouraged to consult with an experienced attorney. A lawyer can ensure that your company’s interests are protected.
We Provide Workplace Solutions to Employers in California
At Sloat Law Group, our California employment lawyer is committed to helping companies and organizations find solutions. If you have any questions about our state’s “Time of Hire” pamphlets or any other regulatory matter, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a strictly confidential, no obligation initial consultation. We work with employers in the Coachella Valley, Riverside County, and throughout the entire State of California.